Cajun Redfish

8 oz filet of Redfish
1 beefsteak tomato
4 pieces of okra
1 ear of fresh corn
1 half of a bell pepper
1 half of a yellow onion
2 oz Blackening seasoning
1-2 tsp olive oil
Step 1: Cut the tomato into 2, 1-inch slices
Place the tomato slices on the grill to blister. After 3 to 4 minutes, remove and set to the side.
Step 2: Rub the fish with olive oil and blackening season
Place fish on the hottest part of the grill and let it sear for a minute or two and then flip it. Repeat this two more times.
Step 3: While the fish is cooking, dice the vegetables
Step 4: Place the corn on the grill to get a nice sear on it
Then place remaining vegetables on the grill to cook. When they're done, cut the corn from the cob and add to the other vegetables. This will serve as the relish that will top the fish